Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Photoshop CS5

Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5

Start working by creating a new document (Ctrl+N) in Adobe Photoshop CS5 with the size 1280px by 
1024px(RGB color mode) at a resolution of 300 pixels/inchCreate a new layer and click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel and select Gradient Overlay.

Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close theGradient Editor dialog box.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
We’ve got the next background:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Find a stock photo with a model represented on it, I used this photo from deviantart. I would like to thank theauthor of this photo, or if you prefer, you can substitute similar image of your own.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Remove the background using your favorite tools like Pen Tool (P)Magic Wand Tool (W)Magnetic Lasso (L) or even a simple Filter>Extract and insert it on a new layer in our main document.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Make a rectangular selection using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M).
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Right-click inside the selection and choose Transform Selection to rotate and place as it is shown next picture:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Select the Move Tool (V), confirm to apply the transformation and click inside the selection, now you can move the sliced part. This operation needs to be done several times, cutting the girl’s image by parts of different thickness.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Using the Line Tool (U) (set Weight to 1px in Options bar), try to make several lines of white color as shown.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Next we’ll combine in a group all the lines’ layers (press CTRL button and select the necessary layers and then hold on the left mouse’s button while dragging the selected layers on Create a new group icon from bottom part of the Layers panel). Set Opacity to 63% for created group.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Select now the Ellipse Tool (U) and represent a small ellipse.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel and select Gradient Overlay.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close theGradient Editor dialog box.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
We’ve got the next result:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Make two copies of the layer containing the ellipse and select the Free Transform (Ctrl+T) command to change the copies’ sizes, situating them also as below. Change the Gradient Overlay settings for one copy too.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close theGradient Editor dialog box.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
We’ve got the next result:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Take now the Ellipse Tool (U) and draw one more ellipse:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel and select Drop Shadow.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Add Bevel and Emboss.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Set Gradient Overlay.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close theGradient Editor dialog box.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
We’ve got the next result:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Using the same tool, mentioned above, continue representing the ellipses:
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click on Add a layer style icon from bottom part of the Layers panel and select Bevel and Emboss.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Add Gradient Overlay.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
Click in the color bar to open the Gradient Editor and set the color stops as shown. Click OK to close theGradient Editor dialog box.
Create colorful poster art using vector elements in Adobe Photoshop CS5
We’ve got the next result:


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